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3D Views
These are predefined viewpoints in space, applicable only to drawings viewed in the Model Layout.

When a drawing is being viewed in the Model Layout, it may be rotated 90 degrees anti-clockwise.

3D Orbit
This option allows 3D rotation of a drawing around a central point. Left-click and drag with the mouse to orbit the drawing.

Render Mode
This option is applicable to 3D objects and determines how they are rendered. Select either Wireframe, Hidden Line, Flat Shaded, or Gouraud Shaded

This option is applicable to 3D objects and determines how they are projected, either in perspective or parallel. The effects can be seen when a drawing is viewed from a 3D viewpoint or is being orbited.

Reset Current View
Select if it is required to reset the current view after, say, rotating or orbiting a drawing.

The various Model Space and Paper Space layouts in a drawing can be viewed by clicking on the tabs at the bottom of the drawing display area.